441 research outputs found

    Measuring thermal conductivity in extreme conditions: sub-Kelvin temperatures and high (27 T) magnetic fields

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    We present a one-heater-two-thermometer set-up for measuring thermal conductivity and electric resistivity of a bulk sample at low temperatures down to 0.1 K and in magnetic fields up to 27 Tesla. The design overcomes the difficulties emerging in the context of large water-cooled resistive magnets.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figure

    On the destruction of the hidden order in URu2_2Si2_2 by a strong magnetic field

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    We present a study of transport properties of the heavy fermion URu2_2Si2_2 in pulsed magnetic field. The large Nernst response of the hidden order state is found to be suppressed when the magnetic field exceeds 35 T. The combination of resistivity, Hall and Nernst data outlines the reconstruction of the Fermi surface in the temperature-field phase diagram. The zero-field ground state is a compensated heavy-electron semi-metal, which is destroyed by magnetic field through a cascade of field-induced transitions. Above 40 T, URu2_2Si2_2 appears to be a polarized heavy fermions metal with a large density of carriers whose effective mass rapidly decreases with increasing magnetic polarization.Comment: published versio

    The Nernst effect and the boundaries of the Fermi liquid picture

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    Following the observation of an anomalous Nernst signal in cuprates, the Nernst effect was explored in a variety of metals and superconductors during the past few years. This paper reviews the results obtained during this exploration, focusing on the Nernst response of normal quasi-particles as opposed to the one generated by superconducting vortices or by short-lived Cooper pairs. Contrary to what has been often assumed, the so-called Sondheimer cancelation does not imply a negligible Nernst response in a Fermi liquid. In fact, the amplitude of the Nernst response measured in various metals in the low-temperature limit is scattered over six orders of magnitude. According to the data, this amplitude is roughly set by the ratio of electron mobility to Fermi energy in agreement with the implications of the semi-classical transport theory.Comment: Final version, Topical review for JPC

    Nernst effect in the phase-fluctuating superconductor InOx_x

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    We present a study of the Nernst effect in amorphous 2D superconductor InOx_x, whose low carrier density implies low phase rigidity and strong superconducting phase fluctuations. Instead of presenting the abrupt jump expected at a BCS transition, the Nernst signal evolves continuously through the superconducting transition as previously observed in underdoped cuprates. This contrasts with the case of Nb0.15_{0.15}Si0.85_{0.85}, where the Nernst signal due to vortices below Tc_{c} and by Gaussian fluctuations above are clearly distinct. The behavior of the ghost critical field in InOx_x points to a correlation length which does not diverge at TcT_c, a temperature below which the amplitude fluctuations freeze, but phase fluctuations survive.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetothermoelectric properties of Bi2Se3

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    We present a study of entropy transport in Bi2Se3 at low temperatures and high magnetic fields. In the zero-temperature limit, the magnitude of the Seebeck coefficient quantitatively tracks the Fermi temperature of the 3D Fermi surface at \Gamma-point as the carrier concentration changes by two orders of magnitude (1017^{17} to 1019^{19}cm−3^{-3}). In high magnetic fields, the Nernst response displays giant quantum oscillations indicating that this feature is not exclusive to compensated semi-metals. A comprehensive analysis of the Landau Level spectrum firmly establishes a large gg-factor in this material and a substantial decrease of the Fermi energy with increasing magnetic field across the quantum limit. Thus, the presence of bulk carriers significantly affects the spectrum of the intensively debated surface states in Bi2Se3 and related materials.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Possible Relevance of Odd Frequency Pairing to Heavy Fermion Superconductivity

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    What is the character of the gapless quasiparticles in heavy fermion superconductors (HFSC)? We discuss an odd-frequency pairing interpretation of HFSC which leads to a two component model for the quasiparticle excitations. In this picture, line zeroes of unpaired electrons may coexist with gapless surfaces of paired electrons, with vanishing spin and charge coherence factors

    Thermoelectric response of Fe1+y_{1+y}Te0.6_{0.6}Se0.4_{0.4}: evidence for strong correlation and low carrier density

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    We present a study of the Seebeck and Nernst coefficients of Fe1+y_{1+y}Te1−x_{1-x}Sex_{x} extended up to 28 T. The large magnitude of the Seebeck coefficient in the optimally doped sample tracks a remarkably low normalized Fermi temperature, which, like other correlated superconductors, is only one order of magnitude larger than Tc_c. We combine our data with other experimentally measured coefficients of the system to extract a set of self-consistent parameters, which identify Fe1+y_{1+y}Te0.6_{0.6}Se0.4_{0.4} as a low-density correlated superconductor barely in the clean limit. The system is subject to strong superconducting fluctuations with a sizeable vortex Nernst signal in a wide temperature window.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figure

    Remote Predictive Mapping 4. Utilizing High Resolution Satellite Imagery, Western Minto Inlier, Victoria Island, NWT

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    The very high spatial resolution and stereo capability of GeoEye-1 images were utilized to map the geology of a part of the western Neoproterozoic Minto Inlier on Victoria Island. To optimize the results of predictive mapping, a LANDSAT-7 image together with a SPOT-5 image were also used in concert with the GeoEye-1 images. The predictive bedrock geology map, interpreted based on 3D stereo visualization, presents much more detailed geological information compared to the existing 1:500,000 scale geological map of the area. The high spatial and moderate spectral resolution of GeoEye images allowed us to distinguish a black shale unit (black shale member), and resolve subtle spectral and textural differences between massive stromatolitic dolostone and dolostone containing fine-grained interlayers in an upper carbonate member. As well, an important distinction could be made between Proterozoic sedimentary strata and unconformably overlying interlayered sandstone and carbonate rocks of Cambro-Ordovician age. The SWIR bands in the LANDSAT and SPOT images proved to be very useful in identifying gabbro sills. A geological map, based on field work, was used to evaluate the remote predictive map. Comparison of the predictive map with the field map shows that the two maps look similar in terms of the regional distribution of the lithological units; however, there are discrepancies between the two maps, especially in areas in which the bedrock is covered by glacial sediments and/or other overburden materials. The spectral similarity between different stratigraphic units comprising similar rock types, also contributed to differences between the predictive map and the field map.Nous avons utilisé la très haute résolution spatiale et les capacités stéréoscopiques des images GeoEye-1 pour cartographier la géologie d’une partie de la partie ouest de l’enclave de Minto, datant du Néoprotérozoïque, de l’île Victoria. Pour optimiser les résultats de la cartographie prédictive, nous avons aussi utilisé une image LANDSAT-7 et une image SPOT-5 avec les images GeoEye-1. Les cartes géologiques prédictives du substratum rocheux, interprétées à partir d’une visualisation stéréoscopique 3D, présentent des renseignements géologiques beaucoup plus détaillés que la carte géologique actuelle de cette zone à l’échelle de 1/500 000. La haute résolution spatiale et la résolution spectrale modérée des images GeoEye nous ont permis de distinguer une unité d’ampélite (membre d’ampélite) et de résoudre des différences spectrales et texturales subtiles entre la dolomie stromatolithique massive et la dolomie contenant des interstrates à grain fin dans un membre carbonaté supérieur. De plus, nous avons pu faire une distinction importante entre les strates sédimentaires du Protérozoïque et les couches interstratifiées de roches carbonatées et de grès du Cambro-Ordovicien qui les surmontent en discordance. Les bandes IRCL des images des satellites LANDSAT et SPOT ont été très utiles pour identifier les filons-couches de gabbro. Une carte géologique basée sur des travaux réalisés sur le terrain a servi à évaluer la carte de télécartographie prédictive. Une comparaison de la carte prédictive et de la carte dressée sur le terrain montre que les deux cartes semblent similaires en ce qui a trait à la répartition régionale des unités lithologiques; mais il y a des différences, surtout aux endroits où le substratum rocheux est couvert de sédiments glaciaires et/ou d’autres matériaux de recouvrement. La similitude spectrale entre les différentes unités stratigraphiques ayant des lithologies similaires a aussi contribué à causer des différences entre la carte prédictive et la carte dressée sur le terrain

    Low-temperature thermopower study of YbRh2Si2

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    The heavy-fermion compound YbRh2Si2 exhibits an antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase transition at an extremely low temperature of TN = 70 mK. Upon applying a tiny magnetic field of Bc = 60 mT the AFM ordering is suppressed and the system is driven toward a field-induced quantum critical point (QCP). Here, we present low-temperature thermopower S(T) measurements of high-quality YbRh2Si2 single crystals down to 30 mK. S(T) is found negative with comparably large values in the paramagnetic state. In zero field no Landau-Fermi-liquid (LFL) like behavior is observed within the magnetically ordered phase. However, a sign change from negative to positive appears at lowest temperatures on the magnetic side of the QCP. For higher fields B > Bc a linear extrapolation of S to zero clearly evidences the recovery of LFL regime. The crossover temperature is sharply determined and coincides perfectly with the one derived from resistivity and specific heat investigations.Comment: LT25 conference proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie
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